They saw a man about to jump off a highway overpass. Cell phone video captured what happened next.

Jen Principe and Toni Musso were stuck in traffic when they spotted a man standing on the ledge of a highway overpass. They called 911, and drove off. Then, Principe remembered Kevin Hines’ story and immediately turned around. – RSS Channel – Health

Phone services restored after widespread outages in Atlantic Canada

Service is being restored after widespread mobile and landline phone service outages affected customers, emergency operations and airports across parts of eastern Canada. – Top Stories – Public RSS

Kill Your Cell Phone Addiction In 2 Easy Steps

cell phone addiction

Cell phone addiction is real

Cell phones have already replaced your camera, calendar and alarm clock; don’t let them replace your friends and family too! In this video, I go into what cellphone addiction is(the habit loop) and how to get rid of it in two easy steps.

Why stop?

An addiction can come from any behavior used to escape or relieve some sort of pain or discomfort in the present moment. Unfortunately one of the easiest ways to do that is through our mobile devices.

As social beings, we biologically need to connect with others in order to be happy, healthy and whole. But when we neglect those things and turn to escape mechanisms (like a cell phone!) it starts to take a toll on our quality of life. When the quality of real connections with friends, family, and society starts to diminish, or productivity and happiness are affected, something needs to change!

How are cell phones addictive?

Cell phone usage affects dopamine levels which are part of the pleasure and reward systems in our brains. There is a great satisfaction and reward that comes with getting a text response or notification or when we scan and find something exciting on social media.

Cell phones create easy access to stimulation which can be very addictive and can take over our lives.

How do we kill the addiction?

Don’t be a prisoner of your cell phone. Create good habits and boundaries around your cell phone and regain control of your life and happiness!

In the video above I discuss two ways of killing the addiction:

1. Disabling notifications

2. Creating a designated cell phone area and sticking to it

If you know someone that suffers from cell phone addiction, please share these tips with them; it could save their life!

As always, thanks for tuning in and have a great day!

The post Kill Your Cell Phone Addiction In 2 Easy Steps appeared first on Lifehack.
