One of the leading coronavirus vaccine trials is currently paused. Prominent vaccine researchers tell CNN that’s unusual

Vaccine clinical trials are notoriously difficult to conduct. – RSS Channel – App Health Section

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One of the leading coronavirus vaccine trials is currently paused. Prominent vaccine researchers tell CNN that’s unusual

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A new series of dates of grape harvest covering the past 664 years is the latest line of evidence confirming how unusual the climate of the past 30 years has been. The record shows wine grapes in Burgundy, France, have been picked 13 days earlier on average since 1988 than they were in the previous 6 centuries, pointing to the region’s hotter and drier climate in recent years.
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11 Things Kids Secretly Want You To Tell Them Every Day


It’s the little things that make a difference. Think back to your childhood. What did your parents do or say that most encouraged you? Children are highly sensitive, and uttering the right words and phrases on a regular basis can dramatically shape how they perceive themselves and the world around them. Here are 11 things parents should be telling their kids every day.

1. “I love you”

All children want their parents’ love, and they will never get tired of hearing how much Mom and Dad adore them. A study published in the International Journal of Intercultural Relations showed that females tend to say this more frequently than males, so if you’re a father then take note! Your children will really benefit from having a male role model who isn’t afraid to show his feelings, so tell your kids how much you love them.

2. “I appreciate your efforts”

Research with young children suggests that when they are praised for their efforts rather than their grades, they are more likely to try harder in the future. This sets up a virtuous cycle whereby they put more effort into their work, obtain higher grades, feel a greater sense of self-satisfaction, feel inclined to try harder, and so on.

3. “I’m so glad to spend time with you”

Many parents are forced to juggle multiple responsibilities, such as working a full-time job, keeping a household running smoothly, and caring for elderly relatives. Children can pick up on these pressures, and appreciate it when their parents let them know how much they enjoy spending time with them.

4. “You’re wonderful”

Children are now under more pressure than ever before. They have frequent tests at school, the pressure to get a good job starts at an increasingly young age, and they face a barrage of media messages telling them how they should and shouldn’t look. This means that a simple “You’re wonderful” can go a long way for modern kids, who need reassuring that they are fine just the way they are.

5. “Keep trying”

Kids want and need their parents to encourage them when they fail. Research shows that this is especially useful and important for kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. 

6. “You’re on the right track”

When children aren’t quite sure whether they are on course to meet a personal goal or learn a new skill, they often look to their parents for reassurance and guidance. A simple “You’re getting there!” or “You’re on the right track!” can keep a child motivated when they would otherwise have given up.

7. “You’re so kind”

Recent research indicates that children are more likely to value high grades and academic ability over being kind and caring towards others. What can we do to reverse this trend? Start by celebrating kindness in your children whenever possible. It will give them a warm glow to have their caring nature recognized.

8. “You’re special”

Every child is special to their parents, but how often do we remind them that they are irreplaceable? Everyone likes to feel as though they are accepted and honored for who they are, whatever their age.

9. “Let’s have fun”

Even the most advanced, studious of kids need to have fun from time to time. Whilst it’s important for them to play with others their own age and develop the skills needed to get along with peers, having fun with their parents is a great way of building fond childhood memories as well as deepening the parent-child bond.

10. “I trust you”

Kids like to feel as though they can take on grownup responsibilities. Research shows that what we expect of children is usually what they give us by way of return, so start treating them as responsible adults-in-training and let them rise to the occasion.

11. “You can do that, I’m sure”

The world can be a tough place, but parental support can make all the difference. Children face challenges every day, whether it’s learning to tie their shoelaces or transfer to a new school. Getting some much-needed encouragement from Mom or Dad can instil self-belief that lasts not only in the short-term, but well into adulthood.

Parenting is a demanding job, but taking just a few seconds each day to remind your child just how great they are will pay off in the future. As adults, they will thank you for believing in and supporting them.

The post 11 Things Kids Secretly Want You To Tell Them Every Day appeared first on Lifehack.


Alcoholics Tell Us How They Feel And Think About Drinking


Being an alcoholic can be a lonely and frustrating experience. Often, you feel like no one else has gone through what you are going through. The fun and buzz that you may have experienced when you first started drinking is long gone, and often all that is left is a feeling of despair and helplessness.

But there are many who have gone through the hard process of quitting. For them, it has been a long and difficult road.

For those of you who manage to reach sobriety, there can often be mixed feelings. Below are some comments made by alcoholics. They are divided into three categories based on how it feels to be an alcoholic, how hard it is to quit drinking, and how good it feels when you do manage to quit.

How it feels to be an alcoholic

1. Alcoholism is lonely

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2. The fun is lost

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3. The misery only becomes more horrible after I wake up

its shit


4. I hate the whole human race when I was drunk



5. I felt like I was a failure

looks like


It’s hard to quit drinking

6. It can take years. But it pays off in the end

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7. I can never have another drink

people still


8. The worst and longest nightmare



9. Talking to other alcoholics helps

its been over six years


It feels great after quitting drinking

10. It’s miraculous to be a recovering alcoholic

buried mother


11. I’m giving my health, looks and reputation a chance to get better

first day


12. Great thanks to the friend who helped

fast-forward again


13. Busy work can help

i realise i am incredilbly strong


If you have experienced being an alcoholic and have managed to become sober, then the feeling of a life regained is a reward in itself. If you are still drinking, quitting may seem like a daunting task. It may feel like you are beyond help or too far gone, but as you can see from other people’s comments, there is a way forward. It is possible to take that step and embark on the road towards recovery.

The post Alcoholics Tell Us How They Feel And Think About Drinking appeared first on Lifehack.
