Supplements & Food

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Supplements & Food that can help you to achieve your weight loss goals faster.

Supplements & Foods That Encourage Healthy Weight Loss

Let’s talk about some of the most recognized supplements & food for weight management

Are you attempting to reduce weight however, you find yourself scratching your head in wonder about all the supplements & food, appetite suppressing aids, metabolism stimulating aids and body fat cleansing products being pushed on all of us each and every day on the internet, on TV, in print and on the radio?  In an attempt to clear some of this confusion up, let’s discuss some of these so called weight loss stimulating foods & supplements and what they are supposed to do to assist you in your efforts to lose weight.

Appetite Suppressing Foods & Vitamins:

When it comes to embarking on a weight loss journey, a huge number of individuals feel that these supplements & food, intended to reduce their cravings can help.

A few of the more popular of these supposed weight loss boosters seem to be:

  1. Chromium Polynicontainate:  This supplement can be  found in foods like sweet potatoes, broccoli, apples and corn on the cob.  It is said to encourage the body to shed unwanted pounds, by reducing hunger pangs and cravings and managing the blood glucose levels.  By reducing insulin spikes throughout the day, scientists claim that weight loss becomes easier.  By measuring a food’s glycemic index, we can choose those that put the odds of successful weight loss in our favor.  By sticking to foods with a low glycemic index, our efforts are super-charged.  glycemic index chart & weight lossBecoming familiar with the glycemic index, it will become easier to make food choices that make sense.  Find foods that you really enjoy, that are also low on the glycemic index chart and you will be on your way.
  2. L Tyrosine:  Is a non-essential amino acid or protein.  L Tyrosine is present in meats, fish, oats, dairy products like milk and wheat.  L Tyrosine is said to reduce cravings and make you feel full and satisfied.  This will help you to stop snacking and picking, throughout your day.  If your brain stops telling you that you are hungry, it becomes easier to eat right and lose weight.
  3. Glutamine Absolute:  Is another amino acid that reduces hunger pangs.  Glutamine Absolute also is said to improve the human immune system.  It can help your body recuperate.  It is found in beans, poultry, meats and milk, and in vegetables such as beets and cabbage.

These supplements and food items are excellent additions for folks who are interested in improving their chances of losing weight and getting fit.  They may not be the end all be all though, when it comes to losing belly fat and other stubborn fat in the body.  But, we will cover very effective ways to lose belly fat on this page.

Metabolism  Boosters.

There are things that we can eat or drink that assist the body and naturally boost the metabolism.

A few of the foods you can easily build into your diet, that are said to boost the human metabolism.  

  1. Vitamin B Supplements:  Vitamin B has long been known to help the body to metabolize carbs and proteins.  It is naturally present in green leafy veggies like cabbage.  The thing is, you’d have to eat t on of cabbage every day to get the recommended levels of vitamin B.  The better choice is to take a great multi-vitamin or buy a good vitamin B supplement.
  2. Co-Enzyme Q10 (CoQ10): CoQ10 is said to assist in improving the body’s ability to metabolize carbs and proteins, as well.  It can be found naturally in fish, soybeans & nuts.  Again, the better choice is to find a good multi-vitamin, since it is very difficult to get all the CoQ10 recommended, by eating it in food.  It is much easier to make sure you are getting the amount of CoQ10 that is required on a daily basis by simply swallowing a great vitamin & mineral supplement, every day.
  3. Green Vegetables & Sea Vegetables:  These have also been long known as natural metabolism booster.
  4. Multi Vitamin & Mineral Supplements:  It is our belief, as mentioned earlier and throughout this website, that it is almost impossible to get the proper amounts of important vitamins and minerals in the foods that we eat.  We recommend taking high potency multi vitamin & mineral supplement every day.  By providing your body with the recommended amounts of vitamins (antioxidants) & minerals for absorption, we can help the body to eliminate unwanted, toxic fat cells and basically let the body do what it was designed to do.
  5. Ginseng: Ginseng has been said to naturally increase the metabolism of the human body.  Ginseng has been praised as a nutritional wonder in the eastern part of the world for centuries.
  6. Raspberry Ketones: Dr Oz has called raspberry ketones, “Fat burners in a bottle.”  He praises it for it’s fat flushing benefits.  Raspberry Ketones are a big player in the Yoli Diet Better Body System 30 Day Transformation Kit.

Fat Burners:

There are a number of supplements & food that are said to naturally break down body fat.  This is an important component of any weight loss program.

  1. Green Tea & Sage Leaf Tea:  In addition to the herbal benefits of these teas, they have been said to naturally burn calories, break down stored body fat and assist the body in eliminating it.  Adding a cup of tea or two to your day, is an easy way to encourage fat loss in the body.
  2. Probiotics:  There are more than 100 known health benefits linked to taking probiotics.   They are responsible for 70% of our immune response.  Another natural herb which contains homes which deal with breaking down fat deposits in the body.  They play a huge role in improving human digestion and eliminating stored toxins in the body.  By eliminating stored toxins, we encourage our body to also eliminate the stored fat cells that surround those toxins.  Cleansing the body of toxins is a big part of the Yoli Diet Better Body System, as well.
  3. Alkalete – Alkalinity & Weight Loss:  Sticking mostly with foods that produce alkaline compounds in the body, helps to counteract the acidic environment created by the toxic acid promoting foods many of us love to it, like many refined carbs, meats and poultry dairy products.  Many scientist say that the consumption of too much acidic food, can put too much stress on the liver and kidneys and eventually lead to diabetes.



>4 Natural Fat Burners<