Innovation spins spider web architecture into 3D imaging technology

Newswise imagePurdue University innovators are taking cues from nature to develop 3D photodetectors for biomedical imaging.
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Review: Architecture and sculpture in perfect union at the Schindler House

Conversations among prominent writers, musicians, architects and dancers have taken place in the Schindler House since it was built in 1921-22. Edmund de Waal’s installation on view there now makes deeply stirring conversation with the house.

R.M. Schindler, an emigré from Vienna, crafted on the… – Los Angeles Times

Architecture of the sperm whale forehead facilitates ramming combat

A new study addresses a controversial hypothesis regarding the potential ramming function of the sperm whale’s head. This hypothesis was instrumental in inspiring Herman Melville to write the novel Moby Dick but its mechanical feasibility had never been addressed.
Latest Science News — ScienceDaily