Nurses, lauded for virus efforts, find their tires slashed

Some nurses at a New York hospital who had just been lauded for their work during the coronavirus pandemic ended their overnight shifts to find their tires had been slashed
ABC News: Top Stories

Nurses sleep less before a scheduled shift, hindering patient care and safety

Nurses sleep nearly an hour and a half less before work days compared to days off, which hurts patient care and safety, finds a new study.
Latest Science News — ScienceDaily

Social media may distract nurses from their jobs

(Reuters Health) – Nurses’ productivity takes a hit when they become ‘addicted’ to using social media at work, a habit that distracts them from tasks at hand, a small study suggests.

Reuters: Health News

Irma threatens birthday for 3-year old with leukemia, until nurses step in

When Hurricane Irma threatened to ruin Willow Stine’s third birthday party, hospital staff in St. Petersburg, Florida, came to the rescue. – RSS Channel – Health