Genomes of two millipede species shed light on their evolution, development and physiology

Researchers have sequenced and analyzed complete genomes from two very different millipede species. The study provides important insights into arthropod evolution, and highlights the genetic underpinnings of unique features of millipede physiology.
Latest Science News — ScienceDaily

New Algorithms Shed Light on Molecules’ Structure and Motion in Cells

Newswise imageTo understand why very large molecules behave the way they do inside cells, scientists must first understand the relationship between these molecules’ structure and motion. Engineers created algorithms that provide the physics backbone for a new “microscope in a computer.”
Newswise: Latest News

Antarctic meltwater streams shed light on longstanding hydrological mystery

In one of the coldest, driest places on Earth, scientists have developed a possible answer to a longstanding mystery about the chemistry of streamflow, which may have broad implications for watersheds and water quality around the world.
Latest Science News — ScienceDaily

New light shed on relationship between calorie-burning fat and muscle function

Endocrinologists have shown for the first time that brown fat can exert control over skeletal muscle function.
Latest Science News — ScienceDaily

Scientists shed light on biological roots of individuality

A new study illuminates the biology that guides behavior across different stages of life in worms, and suggests how variations in specific neuromodulators in the developing nervous system may lead to occasional variations.
Latest Science News — ScienceDaily